
Step 1: Instantiate

You need to determine if you want the contract admin rights to be alterable post-creation.

If you opt for this, remember that should you desire a different admin address later, a fresh contract will be necessary.

Step 2: Query

From the Cascadia dashboard, it's feasible to obtain data from any CW1 contract. Also, all queries mandate the CW1 contract address as a foundational input:


The limit set by the admin for another address concerning sending, transferring, or redelegating.

Spender address

All Allowances

Overview of all set limits by the admin.



A record of rights assigned by the admin to a specific address.

Address under scrutiny

All Permissions

A comprehensive list showcasing all addresses alongside their respective permissions.


Can Execute

Verifies an address's capability to run a specific message.

Refer to Execute segment

Step 3: Execute

You can find a list of possible messages below.


bank: {
  send: {
    from_address: messages.contractAddress,
    to_address: wallet.address,
    amount: [coin(1000000, 'cascadiatoken')],


staking: {
  delegate: {
    validator: 'cascadiavaloperXYZ',
    amount: coin(1000000, 'cascadiatoken'),


staking: {
  undelegate: {
    validator: 'cascadiavaloperXYZ',
    amount: coin(1000000, 'cascadiatoken'),


staking: {
  redelegate: {
    src_validator: 'cascadiavaloperXYZ',
    dst_validator: 'cascadiavaloperABC',
    amount: coin(1000000, 'cascadiatoken'),


For contracts set as ''Mutable'', admins can lock the contract, halting the addition of fresh admin entities.

Update Admins

Introduce a new set of admins, replacing pre-existing ones.

Increase Allowance

Boost the spending limit of an address, contingent on the contract's current balance.

Decrease Allowance

Scale down an address's allowance according to the contract balance.

Set Permissions*

Assign fresh permissions to an address.

Following every execution, a transaction hash will be presented for your reference.

Last updated