
Before following the steps below, first set up a node. Instructions are available here.

Step 1: Verify that your node is fully synced.

cascadiad status

If catching_up returns false, your node is fully synced.

If catching_up returns true, your node is still catching up.

Step 2: Generate and store your validator's address and keys.

Run the following command to create a new validator key pair:

cascadiad keys add <key_name>

Replace <key_name> with a name for your validator's key.

For example:

cascadiad keys add yourvalidator

This command will prompt you to generate a keyring passphrase and generate a new validator key pair, which consists of a Cascadia wallet address, a public key, and a mnemonic phrase. Keep the keyring passphrase and mnemonic phrase secret and securely stored. The public key will be used to identify your validator on the Cascadia network.

Step 3: Convert your Cascadia address to an EVM address.

After creating a public key, run the following command to convert your Cascadia wallet address from Step 2 to an EVM address:

cascadiad address-converter <your_wallet_address>

Replace <your_wallet_address> with your Cascadia wallet address from Step 2.

Step 4: Fund your validator's EVM address.

Transfer CC tokens to your validator's EVM address or utilize the faucet.

Step 5: Confirm receipt of CC tokens.

Confirm that you have received CC tokens by entering your EVM address from Step 4 into Cascadia's block explorer.

Step 6: Create your initial validator funding tx.

To create a validator tx, run the following command:

cascadiad tx staking create-validator \
--from <key_name> \
--chain-id cascadia_11029-1 \
--moniker=<validator_name> \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--commission-max-rate=1.0 \
--commission-rate=0.05 \
--details=<description> \
--security-contact=<email_address> \
--website=<your_website> \
--pubkey $(cascadiad tendermint show-validator) \
--min-self-delegation=1 \
--amount <token_delegation>aCC \
--gas auto \
--gas-adjustment=1.2 \
--gas-prices=7aCC \
--broadcast-mode sync

Fill in these parameters:

<key_name>: The name you inputted in Step 2.

<validator_name>: The name you want to give your validator.

<description>: Details about your validator node.

<email_address>: Your email address.

<your_website>: The URL of your website, if available.

<token_delegation>: The number of tokens you want to delegate. This is denominated in aCC, which is equivalent to 1e18 CC, i.e. 1 CC = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 aCC.

For example:

cascadiad tx staking create-validator \
--from yourvalidator \
--chain-id cascadia_11029-1 \
--moniker=ubuntu \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--commission-max-rate=1.0 \
--commission-rate=0.05 \
--details=The World's First  Neocybernetic  Blockchain \ \ \
--pubkey $(cascadiad tendermint show-validator) \
--min-self-delegation=1 \
--amount 1000000000000000000aCC \
--gas auto \
--gas-adjustment=1.2 \
--gas-prices=7aCC \
--broadcast-mode block

Enter the passphrase you created in step 2, then confirm the transaction.

Congratulations, you're successfully running a Cascadia validator!

Last updated