
Proposals are initiated to propose a potential modification to Cascadia via a Cascadia Improvement Proposal (CIP). Discussions are started as a [Temperature Check], then moved to [CIP] and vote, after community feedback and discussion. The progression from [Temperature Check] to [CIP] is a collaborative process. CIPs are intended to provide a consistent pathway for proposing changes to Cascadia, ensuring that all stakeholders have an opportunity to be heard.

Each CIP must contain:

  1. Title: This is the title, labelled either [Temperature Check] or [CIP].

  2. Author: Who is proposing the idea?

  3. Summary: This is a one-sentence summary of the proposal.

  4. Background/Motivation: This is the main body of the proposal.

  5. Specification: This is what will be implemented should the proposal be approved.

  6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): How is performance measured?

  7. Reversion: For how long will this proposal be active before it is automatically reverted based on the stated KPIs?

  8. Voting: This outlines the voting options.



[CIP-XXX] Update Voting Period




This CIP seeks to update the voting period to 3 days.


This TCIP seeks to update the voting period from X days to 3 days to create a more streamlined governance process


If approved, the voting_period parameter in the governance module shall be changed from XXX to 259200000000000.






This vote will be live for three days. We appreciate and encourage an open discussion on this subject. This vote will be a single-choice vote. You may vote “For” or “Against” this proposal or abstain from the vote. By voting “For” this proposal, you are voting in favour of implementing the changes in accordance with the specifications set out in this proposal.

Last updated