
Off-chain governance plays its role in building a sensible debate. It allows fluid conversations, nuanced discussions, and diverse participation. Off-chain governance in Cascadia primarily takes place in the #governance forum on Discord.

Scope and Nature

The scope of off-chain governance extends beyond informal votes. It encompasses the preliminary discussions on impending proposals, the establishment of workstreams, and brainstorming sessions. These interactions often germinate ideas that gradually evolve into formal on-chain governance proposals. It's important to remember that while off-chain decisions do not directly affect the protocol, they significantly influence the direction of on-chain decision-making.


In off-chain governance, the process begins with the introduction of an idea. Any user can present their idea as a [Temperature Check] in the dedicated channel on the Discord platform. Ideas should be concise, clearly articulated, and must encompass the potential impact on the network.

After the idea is introduced, it becomes a subject of discussion among the community. Other users can express their thoughts, provide constructive criticism, or suggest modifications. The open dialogue enables the initial idea to be refined and molded through the community's collective intelligence.

Proposal Evaluation and Progression

If the proposal gains community support as a [Temperature Check], it can then be moved to [CIP] for official voting, following the proposal guidelines.

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