
Step 1: Sign

Choosing Your Message: Determine what you'd like to sign. This could be numeric, alphanumeric, or a specific text.

Sign with Private Key: Enter your chosen message, and the platform will use your private key for signing.

Retrieve Your Signature: Once the message is signed, Cascadia will provide the corresponding signature.

Share Your Signature: With this signature, you can communicate with others, allowing them to verify the signed message.

Step 2: Verification

To confirm a message, you'll need the:

  • Signer's Address

  • Signed Message

  • Message's Signature

Cascadia offers two verification methods:


After you've signed your message, an option to "Share Verification Link" will appear. This link comes pre-loaded with the signer's address, the message, and its signature.

Manual Verification

Get the signer's address, the signed message, and the signature. Enter these details into the Cascadia platform to authenticate the details.

Successful Verification: Cascadia will display a confirmation message.

Failed Verification: If the details don't align, an error message will appear.

Last updated