
Social Metrics

Below, there are analytics a user can search to find more information, based on:

Age: This category includes all wallets that have created any transaction on-chain. The ranking system is calculated based on age, determined by the first wallet transaction.

CC: This category ranks all wallets based on the amount of CC they've transferred on-chain. If a user receives CC, the ranking increases.

ccBalance: This category shows the ranking of wallets based on their current CC balance. A higher balance results in a higher ranking score.

cccClaim: This category shows the ranking of wallets based on the amount of cCC claims. A higher cCC claim results in a higher score.

cccClaimable: This category shows the ranking of wallets based on the amount of cCC claimable balances (cCC that can be claimed but hasn't been yet). A higher claimable balance results in a higher score.

Cooldown: This category shows the ranking of wallets based on the time passed since their Cooldown Start action on the bCC contract. Recently started cooldowns result in a higher score.

bCC Balance: This category shows the ranking of wallets based on their current bCC balance. A higher balance results in a higher ranking score.

ValidatorTokens: This category shows the ranking of validators based on their token balances. A higher balance results in a higher ranking score.

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