
Step 1: Deploy the wasm binary to the testnet

Use the wasmd Go CLI or CosmJS Node Console.

To upload the code to the blockchain:

wasmd query wasm list-code $NODE

Alternative for uninitialized environment variables:

wasmd query wasm list-code --node

Step 2: Store the bytecode on-chain and get the Code Id.

RES=$(wasmd tx wasm store artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm --from wallet --other-options...)
echo $RES
CODE_ID=$(echo $RES | jq -r '.logs[0].events[-1].attributes[0].value')

Step 3: Check instantiated contracts using the Code Id.

wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID $NODE --output json

Step 4: Verify the uploaded wasm binary.

wasmd query wasm code $CODE_ID $NODE download.wasm
diff artifacts/cw_nameservice.wasm download.wasm

Step 5: Instantiate the wasm contract:

wasmd tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID "$INIT" --from wallet --other-options...

To interact with a contract

Register a name:

wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$REGISTER" --amount 100umlg --from wallet --other-options...

Transfer the name record to another address:

wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT "$TRANSFER" --amount 999umlg --from wallet --other-options...

Using CosmJS Node Console for deployment:

Initialize a CosmJS CLI session:

npx @cosmjs/cli@^0.28.1 --init

Import necessary utilities and upload the wasm binary.

Instantiate the Contract in CosmJS:

Define default fees, create an instance using the code id, and get the contract address.

Contract Interaction in CosmJS:

Register a name and transfer ownership to another address.

Last updated