Set your Environment

Before you start, you have to decide where you'll run and test your contracts:

Run Your Own Node This option lets you set up and run a node locally.

Connect to the Malaga Testnet The Malaga testnet is live for quick testing, allowing you to deploy and run your contracts. To ensure it's active, check:

Tokens on Testnet Andalucía (uand) - Used for validators. Málaga (umlg) - Used for paying fees.

Step 1: Choose an Interaction Tool

You have two primary tools for interacting with the testnet:

wasmd: A Go client.

Node REPL: This tool is recommended for contract operations.

Step 2: Setting Up wasmd Go CLI

Initialize the configuration of the network:

source <(curl -sSL

Create wallet addresses by typing:

wasmd keys add wallet
wasmd keys add wallet2

Credit Tokens

If you're using a local node, you can skip this step, otherwise:

JSON=$(jq -n --arg addr $(wasmd keys show -a wallet) '{"denom":"umlg","address":$addr}') && curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$JSON"

JSON=$(jq -n --arg addr $(wasmd keys show -a wallet2) '{"denom":"umlg","address":$addr}') && curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$JSON"

Configure wasmd

eexport NODE="--node $RPC"
export TXFLAG="${NODE} --chain-id ${CHAIN_ID} --gas-prices 0.25${FEE_DENOM} --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3"

Step 3: Setting Up the CosmJS CLI Client


You'll need Node.js (v12+) and npx.

Initialize CosmJS CLI

npx @cosmjs/cli@^0.28.1 --init --init

Contract Interactions

const [address, client] = await useOptions(malagaOptions).setup("password",".new.key");

Last updated